Let's Get Together! Here's My Teaching Schedule

Want to see your group's name on my schedule? Contact me at evapaigequilts@charter.net and we will set you up!  You can also find a handy inquiry form on the Contact Me page

 TS - Trunk Show program      W - Workshop



January 9, 2025  Brant Heritage Quilt Guild via Zoom

January 26, 2025  Minnesota Quilters via Zoom, workshop

February 5, 2025  Northern Lake County Quilters Guild via Zoom, IL (TS)

February 22, 2025 Blackstone Valley Heritage Quilt Guild (TS)

February 27-March 2, 2025 Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, VA

March 7-8, 2025  Almond Country Quilt Guild via Zoom (TS and W)

March 20, 2025  Coastal Prairie Quilt Guild, Missouri City TX (TS and W)

April 9, 2025 New England Quilt Expo, Manchester NH (W)

April 15-16, 2025  Asheville Quilters Guild, Asheville NC

April 25-26, 2025  Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild, Augusta GA (2 day W)

May 12-13, 2025  Faithful Circle Quilters, Columbia MD (TS and W)

May 13, 2025  Four County Quilters, Mt Airy MD (TS)

May 15, 2025  Web Fabrics Spring Retreat, Martinsburg WV (W)

July 12, 2025  Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild, San Antonio TX (TS and W)

July 23-24, 2025  Piecemakers Quilt Guild, Middletown PA  (TS and W)

August 11, 2025  QUILTS Illinois via Zoom (TS)

September 10-12, 2025  AQS Lancaster PA (Ws)

September 14-15, 2025  Lakeview Quilt Guild, Houston TX (TS and W)

October 4-5, 2025  Stafford Mill Town Quilters, Stafford CT (TS and W)

October 8, 2025  Snohomish Modern Quilt Guild, Snohomish WA (TS)

October 11, 2025  Quilting Mayhem, Snohomish WA (W)

October 13, 2025  Moonlight Quilters, Bellingham WA (TS)

October 14-16, 2025  Quilters Anonymous, Seatle WA (TSs and W)

October 18, 2025  QUILTS Illinois via Zoom (W)

October 21-22, 2025  Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod (TSs and W)

November 19-20, 2025 First Dutchess Quilters, LaGrangeville NY (TS and W)



January 17, 2026  Wiltwyck Quilters Guild via Zoom (TS and W)

February 4, 2026  Gems of the Prairie via Zoom (TS)

March 19 and 21, 2026  Narragansett Bay Quilters, East Greenwich RI

May 19, 2026  Berks Quilters Guild, Berks County PA (TS and W)

October 10, 2026  Autumn in New England Quilt Retreat with Purple Moose Designs, Waterville Valley NH  (Workshop TBD)

November 12, 2026  Quilters Guild of Indianapolis via Zoom (TS)


Past engagements include Houston Quilt Festival, Maine Quilts, Tuscon Quilt Fiesta, AQS Paducah, DesMoines, and Lancaster, WI Quilt Expo, MN Quilts, Northwest Quilting Expo, MAQ, and a plethora of guilds across the country. Please don't hesitate to ask for references!


Can't make it to an in-person event? Check out my Creative Spark on demand video class! Scrappy Accordion Sewn Half Square Triangles (ctpub.com)